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Best of Growing Up Skywalker
Episode 77: Tales of the Jedi (Dooku’s Tale)
This week, we talked about Dooku’s Tale: Chapters 2, 3 and 4 (“Justice,” “Choices,” and “The Sith Lord”). We go chapter-by-chapter, discussing Dooku’s genuine love for Qui-Gon, the trauma of being a young person having to watch out for the adults in your life, Master Yaddle’s absolutely beautiful soul, the Star Wars smoothie-blend of history and culture, and the (missing) checks and balances in the Jedi Order.
Episode 58: Revenge Arc, Part 2
Alexa, play “Taps.”
The body count in the second half of the Revenge Arc (The Clone Wars 5.15–16, “Shades of Reason” and “The Lawless”) might not be as high as the Umbara Arc. But as Mandalore descends into civil war and political leaders become cannon fodder, it feels like this is just the start of something bigger.
Episode 20: Holocron Arc
Join us for the inaugural Cool Hat Tuesday as we recap the Holocron Arc (The Clone Wars Season 2, Episodes 1-3, “Holocron Heist,” “Cargo of Doom,” and “Children of the Force”), featuring Cad Bane’s most excellent fedora. This arc has everything: Anakin/Obi-Wan banter, child-stealers, countless heists, and even a glorious Kit Fisto cameo.
Episode 10: The Malevolence Arc
In a triple-header recap of The Clone Wars Season 1, Episodes 2-4, (“Rising Malevolence,” “Shadow of Malevolence,” and “Destroy Malevolence”) General Grievous pimps his ride, Sam talks about WWII naval warfare (somehow it’s relevant) and you’ll never look at can openers the same way again. Come for Ahsoka’s backseat driving, stay for the giant space manta rays.
Episode 4: Attack of the Clones, Part 2
In the second half of Attack of the Clones, we sing an ode to Mace Windu and rank Padme’s best outfits. Also, we throw in a casual conversation about the meaning of death (to Force users, that is). Quoth Anakin to C3PO: “Get in, loser, we’re going to Geonosis.”
Episode 3: Attack of the Clones, Part 1
In the first half of Attack of the Clones, Anna finds out she accidentally became a true Star Wars fan, and we discuss the impeccable Kaminoan aesthetics. Also, the Fetts get an honorary award for the healthiest father-son dynamics in Star Wars (for about 20 minutes, that is).
Episode 1: The Phantom Menace, Part 1
In the first full-length episode of Growing Up Skywalker, we discuss the first half of Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace (1999).