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Best of Growing Up Skywalker
Episode 76: Siege of Mandalore, Part 2
In our recap of the final episodes of The Clone Wars (7.11–12, “Shattered” and “Victory and Death”) we talk about tragedy, betrayal, and the power move of asking a bunch of mischievous astromech droids to help you throw an entire cruiser into chaos. Most importantly, we talk about seeing Ahsoka fully mature into her powers — and deprogramming herself from being a soldier, so she can become a keeper of the peace.
Episode 71: The Siege of Mandalore, Part 1
The Siege of Mandalore has begun — not with a bang, but with many. And also, Ahsoka somersaulting into Sundari, backlit by the carnage she has caused. This is some of the best action of Star Wars, and it is DELIGHTFUL.
Episode 70: The Bad Batch, Part 2
The second half of the Bad Batch arc isn’t nearly as much fun as the first. Echo has to regain the trust of everyone around him (and find trust in himself). Rex has to carry his guilt over leaving a man behind. And Anakin has to face the fact that he no longer considers himself a Jedi.
So, this arc is less fun, but no less worthy. We laugh a LOT about Wat Tambor, Mace Windu and the TechnoUnion being full of nerds.
Episode 68: Martez Sisters Arc, Part 2
The second half of the Martez Sisters Arc (The Clone Wars 7.7–8, “Dangerous Debt” and “Together Again”) has us debating the thorniest ethics questions around. But like, in a fun way.
Episode 67: Martez Sisters Arc, Part 1
In the Martez Sisters Arc, Part 1 (The Clone Wars 7.5–6, “Gone with a Trace” and “Deal No Deal”) we find out what Ahsoka’s been up to for the last minute or two — trying to keep a disreputable minor crime-lord and her sister out of trouble.
Episode 66: Yoda’s Journey
Season 6 of The Clone Wars ends not with a bang, but with a sigh of surrender — and hope for a different kind of victory.
In the Yoda’s Journey Arc (TCW 6.11–13, “Voices,” “Destiny,” and “Sacrifice”) we follow Yoda from Coruscant to Dagobah, to the heart of the universe, and then finally to Moraband, the ancient homeworld of the Sith. His quest takes him through every step of the Hero’s Journey in pursuit of “the great gift:” the secret of creating consciousness after death. And he discovers the truth about the Jedi’s hopes of winning the Clone War.
Episode 65: “The Lost One”
In which the Jedi Council remembers they never bothered to have a funeral for Sifo-Dyas. (We jest.) “The Lost One” (The Clone Wars 6.10) is a dense and beautiful foreshadowing for the events of Revenge of the Sith. It also gives us a seven-layer tiramisu of MYSTERIES.
Episode 64: The Disappeared Arc
In the glorious Disappeared Arc of the Clone Wars (The Clone Wars 6.8–9, “The Disappeared, Part One” and “The Disappeared, Part Two”), Jar Jar gets to be a love interest…the hero of the galaxy…and the one who gets the girl. Oh, Mace Windu is there, too.
Episode 63: Rush Clovis Arc
Guess who’s back, back again? The Right Honorable Rush Clovis — except he’s wrong, and dishonorable, and wrecking not just Anakin and Padmé’s marriage but also the GALAXY’S ENTIRE BANKING SYSTEM.
Episode 62: Conspiracy Arc, Part 2
In which we discuss how Fives revealed the entire Sith ascension plan to some of the most powerful people in the galaxy…….and they didn’t listen.
Episode 61: Conspiracy Arc, Part 1
The first episodes of Season 6 of The Clone Wars (6.1–2, “The Unknown” and “Conspiracy”) tell us exactly why the Clone Wars exist. And that’s just the BEGINNING.
Episode 60: Jedi Temple Bombing Arc, Part 2
Cue the tears. In the long-awaited (first) finale of The Clone Wars (5.19–20), enemies turn to friends…friends turn to enemies…and we cry a LOT.
Episode 59: Jedi Temple Bombing Arc, Part 1
Fire up your righteous indignation. We’re recapping the Jedi Temple Bombing Arc (The Clone Wars 5.17–18, “Sabotage” and “The Jedi Who Knew Too Much”) and seeing Ahsoka framed for murder.
Episode 58: Revenge Arc, Part 2
Alexa, play “Taps.”
The body count in the second half of the Revenge Arc (The Clone Wars 5.15–16, “Shades of Reason” and “The Lawless”) might not be as high as the Umbara Arc. But as Mandalore descends into civil war and political leaders become cannon fodder, it feels like this is just the start of something bigger.
Episode 57: Revenge Arc, Part 1
In the first half of the Revenge Arc, Maul and Savage almost manage to take over Hondo Ohnaka’s pirate crew, but then very nearly become fishsticks floating in space. Then they effortlessly raise an army of terrifying criminals and set out to help Death Watch take over Mandalore — maybe.
In our recap, we talk about Maul’s plan to eviscerate not just Obi-Wan, but also his legacy. We cover Palpatine’s plan within plans, quote half of Maul’s lines and all of Hondo’s, and and discuss Pre Vizsla and the noble trope of the buttmonkey.
Episode 56: D-Squad Arc, Part 2
This week, we’re recapping The Clone Wars 5.12–13, “Missing in Action” and “Point of No Return”, a.k.a. two episodes that debuted at the top of Anna’s Cry-O-Meter.
We meet Gregor, a MIA clone commando who has to embark on a hero’s journey to reclaim his destiny. The D-Squad holds the lives of thousands in their little droid spanners, and Meebur Gascon continues to be the worst.
Episode 55: D-Squad Arc, Part 1
The lack of a reliable file-sharing system in Star Wars comes into play once again in the D-Squad Arc (The Clone Wars 5.10–11).
It turns out that this critically-panned series of episodes is a fascinating meditation on inequality, oppression, meritocracy, the military-industrial complex, and why WAC units are indeed so wack.
Episode 54: Ahsoka + Younglings Arc, Part 2
Hondo Ohnaka has a no-good, very bad day during the second half of the Ahsoka + Younglings arc (The Clone Wars 5.8–9, “Bound for Rescue” and “A Necessary Bond”).
In our recap, we talk about all the ways Hondo would disappoint us if he was our uncle, the advice we would give to younglings, lightsaber fighting styles, and why this crew of baby Jedi is so dang lovable.
Episode 53: Ahsoka + Younglings Arc, Part 1 with Raphael, The Geeky Dad, and Arianna, The Multiverse Kid
In the first half of the Ahsoka + Younglings arc (The Clone Wars 5.6–7, “The Gathering” and “A Test of Strength”) we meet a crew of Jedi younglings who find their very own kyber crystals — just in time to almost lose them to Hondo’s pirate gang. (And they actually DO lose Ahsoka.)
For this week’s recap, we invited an actual youngling to talk about the arc. Raphael, the Geeky Dad, and Arianna, the Multiverse Kid, joined us to talk about lightsabers, Star Wars girls and the challenges we overcome to become better.