Episode 75: Revenge of the Sith, Part 2
Movies Anna Squires Movies Anna Squires

Episode 75: Revenge of the Sith, Part 2

We finish Revenge of the Sith — the sweeping conclusion to the Prequel Era — with big feelings on Order 66 and the end of the Jedi Order, big love for beloved characters, and big thoughts on the cyclical story of Star Wars.

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Episode 32: “Arc Troopers”
The Clone Wars Anna Squires The Clone Wars Anna Squires

Episode 32: “Arc Troopers”

This week, we talk about heroes great and small as we recap “Arc Troopers” (The Clone Wars 3.2). As you can imagine, Anna’s notes for this episode are mostly frowny faces. And we have so many questions!! What makes a noble death? What are the limitations of being a general by the sword? Is the glory of combat all it’s cracked up to be? And, if you had to pick a favorite clone for this episode, would it be Echo, Fives, or 99?

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Episode 11: Rookies
The Clone Wars Anna Squires The Clone Wars Anna Squires

Episode 11: Rookies

Party at Domino House! In our recap of the standalone episode “Rookies,” we reunite with Domino Squad...just in time to see them fall. On the plus side, Rex is making barbecued eel for dinner (and we’re pretty sure he won the genetic lottery.)

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Episode 5: Cat and Mouse + Hidden Enemy
The Clone Wars Anna Squires The Clone Wars Anna Squires

Episode 5: Cat and Mouse + Hidden Enemy

Diving straight into The Clone Wars TV series, we cover Season 2, Episode 16 (“Cat and Mouse”) and Season 1, Episode 16 (“Hidden Enemy”). Faux-hawks and facial hair abound in our first introduction to the Republic’s clone army. We talk about how Anakin was #BornThisWay, radicalizing moments, and why the aliens in The Clone Wars are just built better.

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