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Best of Growing Up Skywalker
Episode 73: Rewatching Attack of the Clones
Begun, the Clone War has!
This week, we’re rewatching Attack of the Clones in all of its magnificent sprawl. We talk all about the rewards of a second watch-through after seeing the Clone Wars TV show, the huge differences in production between The Phantom Menace and Attack, the weirdness between Anakin and Obi-Wan, and the iconic Yoda/Dooku duel. We have lots of thoughts about Padme and Anakin — and you already know we talk about Padme’s outfits.
Episode 72: Rewatching The Phantom Menace
A lot has changed since we watched Phantom on the first two episodes of Growing Up Skywalker (and we have, too!).
Our recap centers on the viewers we used to be versus the watchers we are today. We talk about how our perceptions of the main quartet — Anakin, Qui-Gon, Padmé and Shmi — have changed wildly over time. We try to figure out why George Lucas decided to start Star Wars here, and why he decided to frame it around an economic story. We share our favorite Easter eggs, and — most importantly — crown a Queen of Bae Watch.
Episode 1: The Phantom Menace, Part 1
In the first full-length episode of Growing Up Skywalker, we discuss the first half of Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace (1999).