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Best of Growing Up Skywalker
Episode 123: Rebels: The Siege of Lothal (Season 2 Premiere)
In “The Siege of Lothal,” (Rebels S2 Ep. 1), Darth Vader all but rubs his hands together and cackles gleefully as he squeezes the life out of the Rebels, one A-wing at a time. Fortunately, the Spectres are made of sterner stuff.
Episode 110: Rebels: Call to Action + Rebel Resolve
Calling all Tarkin stans—Rebels S1 is the man’s time to shine. This week, we covered the two episodes leading up to the Season 1 finale: “Call to Action” and “Rebel Resolve” (episodes 13–14). And Grand Moff Tarkin is displeased with EVERYBODY’S job performance.
Episode 109: Rebels: Idiot’s Array + Vision of Hope
Smuggler? Such a small word. He’s more of a…galactic entrepreneur.
Episode 107: Rebels: Out of Darkness + Empire Day
You know how Anna’s spent the last month begging for more Spectre backstories? Well, “Out of Darkness” and “Empire Day” (Rebels S1, episodes 7–8) deliver them in a big way.
Episode 105: Rebels: Droids in Distress + Fighter Flight
In our recap of Droids in Distress and Fighter Flight, we talk about how Rebels holds dark themes very lightly, and how that makes it a time capsule for 2014. We discuss the morality of the Spectres, fellow rebels, the Empire, and Agent Callus in particular. We talk about brotherhood and being parents of unruly children. And we also cackle about the straight-into-the-vein injection of pure delight that is “Fighter Flight.”
Episode 104: Rebels: Spark of Rebellion, Part 1-2
We’ve finally arrived at Sam’s favorite Star Wars show—Rebels. This week, we recap the double-header pilot, “Spark of Rebellion,” which originally premiered in 2014 as an hour-long movie.