Episode 140: Rebels: “Warhead” and “Trials of the Darksaber” (Season 3, Ep. 14–15)

“Trials of the Darksaber” (Rebels S3, Ep. 15) is, quite simply, one of the tightest-scripted, haunting, and beautiful episodes of Rebels so far. And “Warhead” (Ep. 14) is a delightful buddy cop special feat. Zeb and AP-5.

This week, we dive deep into the lore of lightsabers and darksabers. We talk about what it means to wield the Force, rather than just be a part of its flow, and talk about Sabine’s inner demons. And Sam crowns Sabine and Kanan’s training duel as one of the Top 5 Lightsaber Duels, Ever.

In the meantime, Thrawn has cut his list of planets the Rebels may be inhabiting down to 94…

Want even more Growing Up Skywalker? This is a great time to sign up for our Patreon for bonus audio content! We’re about to deliver a book report on Claudia Gray’s “Master and Apprentice,” feat. baby Obi-Wan and peak Qui-Gonn Jinn.


00:00:00 Plot Overview

00:11:54 Lightsabers and Darksabers Discussion

00:17:19 Sabine’s Demons 

00:28:12 The Force for Non-Force Users

00:39:28 Imperial Infiltration

00:53:34 Bae Watch

00:58:38 Closing Thoughts


Episode 141: Rebels: “Legacy of Mandalore” and “Through Imperial Eyes” (Season 3, Ep. 16–17)


Episode 139: Rebels: “Ghosts of Geonosis” Parts 1 and 2 (Season 3, Ep. 12–13)